The National School Boards Association’s (NSBA) Council of School Attorneys (COSA) presented its Distinguished Service Award to Julie Miller on March 29, at the morning general session of COSA’s 2019 School Law Seminar in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Julie Miller has been a respected member of the education law community for over 20 years. As the deputy executive director and general counsel for the Oklahoma State School Boards Association (OSSBA), she has passionately supported school board members in providing the best education for their students. 
Miller’s colleagues say that her “knowledge, confidence and commitment make her the ‘go-to’ lawyer for all board members in Oklahoma.” Miller also takes her knowledge and passion outside the office, providing legal education through workshops and presentations to school board members and superintendents throughout the state. 
Miller has shared her expertise on the national stage in support of NSBA’s Council of School Attorneys. As a member of COSA for 21 years, she has served her larger legal community through presentations on topics including attorney ethics in school and teacher strikes and walk-outs. 
Shawn Hime, Executive Director of the Oklahoma State School Boards Association, will offer remarks at the awards presentation, Friday, March 29 at the Philadelphia 201 Hotel.
“We are proud to honor Julie for her years of service to our organization, and the school law community at large,” said COSA Chair Diane Marshall-Freeman. “Julie is dedicated to advancing the field of education law, supporting the work of school attorneys, and providing leadership in legal advocacy for public schools.   
“Julie has been supporting the work of school attorneys and the school boards they serve, through COSA and the Oklahoma State School Boards Association, for years. Our members have reaped the benefit of her passion and commitment to serving the school law community; we are so pleased to be able to recognize her contributions to the field today.”
Tammy Carter, NSBA senior staff attorney and former general counsel for one of the school districts Julie served said, “Julie is well-recognized as an expert in school law by school board members throughout Oklahoma. I worked with her a great deal and she was always collegial, supportive, and knowledgeable.” 
“Over the past two decades, my membership in COSA has been invaluable,” Miller said. “Our incredible nationwide network of school attorneys has inspired me, challenged me, and helped me grow into a better legal resource for the school districts I serve. Technology has made the organization an even more powerful influence and resource because the online forum allows us to collaborate as though we’re just in the next office. Because of COSA, we have great opportunities to share, research and learn online and in person in ways that help public education officials across the country. I am honored to receive this award from school attorneys who I respect and admire.”
For more information about COSA, visit their page.

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