In response to the latest National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), Anna Maria Chávez, Executive Director and CEO of the National School Boards Association (NSBA), issued the following statement:

“Public schools across the country are working tirelessly to provide 50 million students a safe education, yet the federal government is failing to help them in this time of need. Students and the essential staff who support them cannot wait for miracle solutions; they need bold action now. That is why the NSBA demands an immediate national investment in our public schools to transform learning for each student.

“The 2020 nation’s report card reiterates what school board members and frontline educators have known for a long time: public schools need more resources to better prepare students for today’s modern world. Public schools need support to reinvent and improve learning, recruit and support teachers, and close the homework gap by providing students access to high-speed broadband. Rather than diverting taxpayer funding to elite private schools, the federal government should support local public schools by fully funding the law that helps students with disabilities; and focus on the ninety percent of students who attend a public school so real transformation in learning is possible.

“NSBA launched its new Public School Transformation Now! campaign this week that focuses on the future of education by helping each public school student have student-centered and personalized learning to ensure future success. But local school board members cannot do this alone. The federal government must step up to the plate and immediately provide $200 billion in short-term COVID relief to help America’s schools get through the pandemic and commit to a partnership with local school board members for long term bold public school transformation for tomorrow and beyond. The future of our nation depends on it.”

Around NSBA

Six students conduct a science experiment with potatoes and electrodes.

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